DVD Publishing, Documentaries

Indicatif Bruno Bigeard dans l’oeil des médias


DURATION : 52 min
DISTRIBUTORS : France 3 Pôle Nord-Est, Histoire, Vosges Télévision
PARTNERS : With the support of CNC, THE Région Lorraine, THE Fondation De Lattre, THE Fondation Bigeard AND THE Fondation Leclerc
YEAR : 2014


While from 1945, the French army was rebuilding around the “Grande Epreuve”, a propaganda film extolling the merits of those who resisted and responded to the call of General De Gaulle, she immediately committed herself to a fight as far removed as in the Far East. Come the time of heroes, pure warriors. It was at this time blessed Match’s reporters, like Brigitte Friang who even parachuted with a battalion of paras colonials on Dien Bien Phû, that General Bigeard begins to take place on the chessboard of what will be later communication military. Bigeard, the only one to keep his forehead high in the bowl, immortalized by the SCI reporters. Bigeard barefoot in the bowl, the casual look while the perimeter is supposed to swarm with viets …

Bigeard still in Algeria where he invents the myth para and that of “lizards”. Bigeard that General Petraeus, “boss” of the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan gives an example by having his officers “The Centurions” project. This documentary with unpublished archives, made available for the first time by the family of the general, want to dissect the character and its secrets, with a reverse approach: starting from images, photos, articles of press or TV shows to explain the mutations and the evolutions of “the art of communicating in wartime”, of which General Bigeard is the pioneer.


